Opened 3 years ago

#522 new defect

Wave brings science and mental health to the mental health business.

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Severity: major Keywords:


Kids are fine, Wave founder says 75% of Gen Z are struggling with emotional well-being. for clarity Not everyone meets the criteria for a diagnosable mental illness. But they want more than a firm handshake and a “keep going baby.” That is the market that Wave is primarily operating with digital platforms.

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which takes a grouped approach first to create tools and techniques to young people The app will be released to a general audience early next year. And it will be launched to a wider audience of consumers later next year. Its founder is Dr. Sarah Adler, Stanford University Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology.

She is eager to tell the world about what this app will do. But is playing her cards a little cautiously until the app becomes available to the wider public. Adler has spent her career building innovative delivery models to increase access to care through design. user-centered She believes that informed digital solutions

paired with well-trained, lower-cost human capital such as health trainers. It's the best way to deliver quality care at scale. Especially for the population being overlooked (think GSRM and BIPOC) dialogue.I asked Dr. Adler to give an example of the types of exercises the app can do.

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