Opened 3 years ago
#4968 assigned defect
Exactly where i can convert 0. 01 btc to usd?
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | Commissioning |
Component: | Zeus LogViewer | Version: | 2.0 |
Severity: | minor | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
ou can exchange your own Bitcoin to Alipay with no hassle upon Exchanger24. Bitcoin is definitely cryptocurrency which is widely used around the globe, but it features a flow cost, that's why certainly not some merchants avoid accept it. Often you need in order to pay for many services with certain currencies, like Alipay which is really popular in Tiongkok. To complete this exchange, you simply need to follow a few simple actions. The total amount you're giving in BTC will be automatically converted to CNY (Chinese Yuan) using the greatest rates.
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How to withdraw Bitcoins to Alipay bank account
First you should input the total amount. This can be both amount in Bitcoins you would like to exchange or perhaps sum in CNY you want to receive instructions the selection is up in order to you. Our system shows you bitcoin rate, fees and just how much you get for your bitcoins. On the second step please enter your current Alipay account in addition to name assigned to be able to that account. Typically the account name discipline is mandatory. Around the third step, you will discover our bitcoin deal with to complete payment. Send the exact order quantity of bitcoins to this address. We accept the bitcoins after three or more confirmations in bitcoin network system, typically, it takes 5-15 minutes. That? h all of the steps. After that, we will send out Alipay payment to provided account.
Precisely what is Exchanger24?
Exchanger24 is multi-currency swap platform offering innovative, secure and free of risk service. A great deal of reviews coming from the happy consumers indicate how trusted it is. Helpful rates and straightforward interface will efficiently surprise even the particular experienced users associated with digital currencies.