Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#414 new enhancement

Seven Mentor SAP MM Classes In Pune

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Database Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


What is SAP MM Training ?

SAP, a German multinational software corporation founded in 1972, is a global market leader in providing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions and services to large enterprises within more than 130 countries. SAP is a sort of ERP that is comprised of a number of integrated modules that are used to manage businesses -- mostly large enterprises -- but recently small to medium sized businesses have also adopted the solutions. Major modules of the SAP system are here: Finanacial Modules: Investment Management (IM) Financial Accounting (FI) Controlling (CO) Treasury (TR) Enterprise Control (EC) Logistics Modules: Sales & distribution (SD) Production, Material management (MM) etc. Human resource management Module: Organizational Management Personnel Management etc. Cross Application Module: SAP Office Workflow (WF) These are modules work in collaboration in a single enterprise with each module working on single part management of the system. For instance, human capital management is a part of an enterprise, but when you enter in this sub-part you will go crazy seeing the complexity and all those integration. With those many modules and complex structure, now you must have come to the point that "How is SAP used" is not that easy to answer. Even a single book will not be suffice to introduce the working of SAP ERP solutions. So, if you want to learn SAP applications and want to get a job in it, it highly highly recommended taking proper classes, workshops, tutorials, and go most importantly hands on practice. Hands on practice is also quite a troublesome job as you wouldn't be able a SAP based ERP, and even if you do, I am afraid, either you will have to pay for it or you have some close one working on the system.

Why Choose Seven Mentor For Sap mm course ?

First of all Seven Mentor is an old and trustworthy Institute, with trainers having 15+ years of experience. Our SAP MM Course in Pune delivers you hand on experience on live project and assured job placement. The main goal of Our SAP MM training in Pune is to provide you a very simple and detailed knowledge about SAP MM under our [SAP MM Class in Pune]( you get to examine humorous stages of SAP MM lifecycle .Our SAP MM classes are also available online . People interested in learning SAP MM courses in Pune should defiantly choose Seven Mentor.

Visit : [Best Training Provide](

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

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