Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 23 months ago

#144 new defect

High protein diets:

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Database Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


In this diet, proteins are usually eaten in the form of animal proteins, which most people tend to overeat. People also tend to eat processed meats. If not done under medical supervision, these diets can cause osteoporosis, kidney stones, gall stones, constipation, piles and vitamin deficiencies. All these above-mentioned plans are called different names on different websites.

As a patient, you should first seek consultation from a healthcare professional about what plan you should follow. If the above plans are followed properly, they can benefit some people, but if you blindly trust the internet or untrained friends—it’s a terrible idea.

About author I am certified in addiction counseling, public health, health education, mental health and I am also an AIDS-certified registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience and senior editor at [url=] hindi health pointurl

Change History (17)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by NewsWeekMe <info@…>

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More and more people nowadays are becoming aware of how important it is to stay healthy and fit. This is not just a trend, some would argue that it is becoming engraved into our culture.

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comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

Après cet immense effort, Géricault semble avoir souffert d'une dépression nerveuse. Il accepte une invitation à exposer son Radeau en Angleterre où il sera très bien accueilli. L'artiste s'embarque le 10 avril 1820,migration drawing en compagnie de son ami Charlet, le lithographe. La peinture anglaise lui fait une forte impression, surtout les animaliers et les paysagistes. En novembre, il rend visite à David en exil à Bruxelles, puis retourne à Londres. En décembre 1821, le voici à Paris. Sa santé est précaire : deux chutes successives de cheval la compromettent définitivement. Pourtant Géricault exécute de nombreuses lithographies et des études peintes. Les dix tableaux d'aliénés (dont cinq sont perdus) datent probablement de cette période. Mais les projets de grandes compositions (Ouverture des portes de l'Inquisition, Traite des Noirs) restent à l'état de dessins. Vers la fin de 1823, la santé du peintre se dégrade rapidement et il s'éteint le 26 janvier 1824.maess recenzja

comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

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comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by Free Hindi Wishes

comment:5 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

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comment:17 Changed 23 months ago by anonymous

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