
The UFO-server Software Stack

  • openSUSE 11.3
  • GNU C Library 2.11, Compiler 4.5
  • Python 2.6


It is recommended to use the latest NVIDIA drivers for full OpenCL performance. Especially, do not use the developer drivers (270.*.*) as they don't provide multiple GPU capabilities using OpenCL and show performance degradations of almost 75%. The currently supported version is:

  • NVIDIA x86_64 285.05.32
  • CUDA 4.1


  • -std=c99 (especially for mixed declaration and code, variable-length arrays and inline functions)
  • -Wall -Werror

Libraries and tools accepted for UFO Framework

Library Required openSUSE Package Name Debian Package Name Known Working Version
GLib 2 glib2-devel libglib2.0-dev 2.26.1
GObject 2 libgobject-2_0-0 libglib2.0-dev 2.26.1
JSON-Glib json-glib-devel libjson-glib-dev 0.10.2
CMake 2.8 cmake cmake 2.8
pkg-config pkg-config pkg-config 0.25
libtool libtool libtool 2.2.6b
GObject Introspection gobject-introspection gobject-introspection 0.9.3

Non-essential libraries used by plugins

Library Plugin openSUSE Package Name Debian Package Name Known Working Version
OpenCV cvshow libcv-dev 2.1.0
libtiff reader, writer libtiff4-dev 3.9.4
oclfft fft, ifft Build from source


Library Required openSUSE Package Name Debian Package Name
zeromq zeromq zeromq
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Feb 6, 2012, 9:26:41 PM