Opened 2 years ago

#57243 assigned defect

New Way To Get Automated Passive Income Strategy (2022)

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Commissioning
Component: Zeus LogViewer Version: 2.0
Severity: minor Keywords:





"Passive income," sometimes referred to as"residual" or recurring income", is the money you earn without needing to do anything at any time. It's typically created by an investment of any kind such as bonds, stocks, rental properties etc. What is passive Income and why is it important? What strategies should you implement to be able to automate the year 2022 passive income? Many homeowners have income streams with passive sources due to the same reason. It's an easy way of making profits without having to work too hard. But what makes passive income vital? It's crucial because having a sort of passive income may help you attain financial freedom sooner. So what are to earn passive income? </p>


What is the purpose of passive income? </p>


As a society, we're always looking to be better and pushing ourselves to be better. We're taught that the most effective way to succeed is to be as productive as you can. However, if looking for an innovative method of earning money, then passive income could be the answer. The new slogan is "work hard smartly". </p>


Passive income doesn't mean working harder , but rather working more efficiently. Instead of putting in more hours at work instead, we should be investing our time and effort in something that is more meaningful and rewarding. It gives us the opportunity to build wealth and become financially secure and independent. Consider carefully what I am presenting to you some ideas for 2022 to automate dividends through compounding. </p>


Targeted Project for the Year 2022 Automated Passive Income </p>


The projects you have planned for the 2020 year could include the following: </p>


1 Raising capital for Investment/Business?; </p>


2 School fees (for your children and yourself); </p>


3 Loan repayment </p>


4 Debt Servicing; </p>


5 House Building Project; </p>


6 Holidays/Vacation/Tourism?; </p>


7 Wedding; </p>


8 Honeymoon; </p>


9 Charity, etc. </p>


Simulate Your Compounding Investment </p>


Before beginning the process of investing, practice how the investment process might look like. This will assist you in making sensible decisions. Check out the following example: </p>


The initial balance is $1,000. </p>


Rate of interest (Monthly) = 10-20 10% </p>


Compounding Duration (Years) = 1 </p>


Compound interval Indicative frequency: Daily (365)/yr </p>


Withdrawals = $0 </p>


============================= </p>


Future investment value = $8,916.10 </p>


Total the amount of interest earned is $7,916.10 </p>


Effective Annual Rate (APY) = 791.61% </p>




Simulated Compounding Investment for the Year 2022 Automated Passive Income </p>


Essential Tools for the years 2022 and 2022. Automated passive income </p>


In order to achieve success in establishing the compounding investment plan for 2022's automated passive incomeyou require the following: Smart Phone and Apps; Internet connectivity; correct information to take informed action and be patient! </p>


Required Apps </p>


In this digital age of wealth, you are unable to afford not to install these applications on your smartphone: </p>


1 Royal Q Trading/Investment? App (Royal Q Robot) </p>


2 Wallets: Trust Wallet and Meta Mask </p>


ADVICE: Safekeeping of Key phrases/passwords is very important. If you misplace them, you'll be lost forever! </p>


  • Exchanges [Binance, Huobi Pro, CoinBase? Pro]



  • Mobile Banking [Kuda]





  • Emails (End-to-end encryption that includes secure email encryption)



  • Calculator



  • Google Authenticator







Sources of Capital for the Year 2022 Automated Passive Income </p>


Certainly, you require capital to implement your compounding investment plan to make the year 2022 . It is a time to automate passive income. These are some of the recommended source of earnings: </p>


1 Online Business - this is intended for those with no jobs. 2 Contribution for thrift (group savings schemes) - also known as Ajo, Adashe or Esusu; </p>


3 Soft Loans - obtain the facility you want and make sure that you are investing it properly; </p>


4 Assets liquidation might decide to liquidate some of your properties instead of just letting them depreciate. Any asset that's not earning you income is a liability! </p>




WARNING: Beware of fraudsters! I will not ever request cash from you. The compounding strategy to invest for 2022's automated passive income won't require the transfer of the money you earn to anyone else. </p>



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