Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#267 new enhancement

Gold, Now Affordable To The Masses

Reported by: Albert Owned by:
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You are about to read my uncensored review of what I really thought about KB Vision's Gold Exchange business.

Why am I writing this? Well, when I started researching KB Vision, there weren't many real reviews around. So, I thought I'd do a quick write-up to help any of you who are in the same position I was.

But be warned, I'll be going into the good and the bad points of KB Vision, so if that's not something you want to read, you may as well leave now.

My First Impressions of KB Vision Gold Exchange and Raremetalblog's opinion:

I have been in the Home Based Business industry for over 5 years now. Trust me when I say that I have seen hundreds of income opportunities. However I continue to be on the lookout for new, unique, first advantage type of business opportunities.

When some information about KB Vision came across my desk I naturally assumed it was another gold and silver investment company.

You know, the kind you see all the time that sells gold and Raremetalblog's opinion

Upon further investigation, I quickly realized that KB Vision wasn't anything like any of those big gold investment companies. In fact they are the only company in the gold bullion business that I know of that directly focuses on the average person being able to accumulate gold, not at $1500 an oz, but smaller more affordable amounts.

KB Vision is the first company to be able to sell gold in smaller units like.5 grams, 1.0 grams,2.5 grams, and 5.0 grams. You can actually start buying gold for as little as $75 bucks, and start accumulating gold over a period of time in smaller amounts for as long as you want.

Not only does this company provide the average person a way to invest in gold, but they have also provided a way for you to earn a tremendous monthly income by turning your gold purchases into a profitable home based business.

The top 6 things that I learned from KB Vision:

  1. KB Gold has created a new way to acquire gold and silver bullion.: KB has eliminated the "middle man" profits. Because KB owns the mine, the refinery, the mint and the distribution centers, so it's members can buy directly from the company.

Even though KB Gold Distribution started in Feb of 2010, the KB parent company is a 16 year old company that is completely debt free. KB paid cash for everything including their mines, their refineries, their mint and distribution centers, even their company cars. That's stability.

Under the management of Mike Koschine the Swiss company KB-Edelmetall is now the largest manufacturer of 1 gram gold bullion bars in the world and the only company offering a 0,5 gram bar

The Most beneficial aspect of KB Vision in my opinion is the fact that a major player on the international gold market is using all its resources to help the average person understand the importance of buying and accumulating gold. In addition, the company has provided a way for those same people to earn a substantial monthly income by sharing this information with others.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

Pour un peu, cette euphorie laisserait penser que l'œuvre d'art, assujettie de plein gré à la réalité, ne sera plus à l'avenir qu'une leste et fumiste reprise en charge plastique du monde concret. C'est compter sans la fureur analytique qui saisit nombre d'artistes, bientôt référencés sous l'étiquette « art conceptuel » (1965 et après). Pour Lawrence Weiner ou Sol LeWitt?,contemporary drawings le projet d'une œuvre d'art vaut mieux que sa réalisation : importent d'abord la « conception », la représentation mentale que l'artiste forme des choses. Pour inciter le spectateur à méditer sur son rapport à l'art (le goût, certes, mais aussi la distinction sociale)rysunek współczesny, Robert Barry, en 1969, convie le public new-yorkais à une série de vernissages où l'on se casse le nez sur des galeries fermées... Obligation faite de réfléchir à la signification sociale, « distinctive », dirait le sociologue Pierre Bourdieu, du vernissage et du lien sociopolitique qu'il consacre entre artistes, élites sociales hautement cultivées et aspiration de celles-ci à une représentation publique et symbolique éminente.

Ce travail de déconstruction, proche par l'esprit du structuralisme dont il est alors le contemporain, invalide jusqu'à l'idée de l'œuvre d'art comme objet. L'important n'est pas tant « l'œuvre » que ce qui gravite autour d'elle et la fonde ès qualités au terme d'actes de reconnaissance variés. L'art, comme l'écrit dès 1965 l'artiste américain Joseph Kosuth, c'est « l'idée d'une idée », un concept culturel, social et politique. Quelle est la tâche prioritaire de l'artiste ? Prendre conscience de qui il est, de ce qu'il représente, et pour qui. Avoir prise sur la finalité de son action dans une société bourgeoise où la créativité se convertit généralement en plus-value certes symbolique mais aussi matérielle.prace na papierze Prop [...]

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