Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#263 new enhancement

What Does a Drug Rehabilitation Program Consist Of?

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The term drug rehabilitation refers to the medical or psychotherapeutic treatment of such individuals who are addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, or such drugs as cocaine, heroine, or amphetamines. The purpose of the drug rehab program is to enable the addicted person to stop using those drugs so that he/she can again be welcomed in the society and live a normal life without any legal, moral, family, financial, or social pressure. People addicted to drugs ruin their life. Not only the addicted person but those related to him are also affected.

The goal of a drug rehabilitation centre is to help a person in having permanent sobriety. The firsthand goals are to minimise drug abuse, help the addict to live a normal life, and to lessen the medical and social intricacies related to drug abuse and addiction.

It has been proven by scientific research that treatment for drug abuse can lead a person to live a normal life. It should be kept in mind that the drug rehabilitation program consists of several sessions of treatment.

In a remedial process, medication and behavioral therapy are used either alone or in a combination depending on the condition of the subject. As a first step, detoxification is carried out which is coupled by behavioral treatment and finally followed by preventive therapy to avoid relapse. Initial signs of recovery are important, but avoiding relapse is the most essential component to retain its effect

Sometimes the subject confronts relapses in varied occurrences

This requires a return to initial treatment. Extreme care should be taken of the individual during the process to assure that he/she will become successful in leading a lifestyle free from drugs. In the treatment process, medication helps patients in various ways. Medication keeps a check on the withdrawal symptoms throughout detoxification.

This is the first step of a drug rehabilitation program. Patients who do not receive any further treatment after drug supported withdrawal show similar behavior to those who were never given any treatment. Medications are used to help restore normal functioning of the brain, to inhibit relapse, and to reduce desire for the drugs during the process. At present, drugs are available for heroin, morphine, and nicotine addiction.

Behavioral treatment is the next step for the patients involved in the medication process. In this process, patients are helped to change their mindset and activities and are engaged in healthy activities. Behavioral treatment is also for the medication process and people continue the therapy for a longer period of time.

Outpatient behavioral therapy is for those who come to the clinic regularly and it mostly comprises psychoanalysis. On the other hand, residential remedy programs are for those who suffer from serious drug addiction. In this, patients have to live in therapeutic communities (TCs) for 6 to 12 months. These TCs follow well -prepared plans, and are normally for those who have been addicted for a longer period of time or were engaged in criminal actions and have not been socialising for a long time. The purpose of TC is to help the patient to live a normal life.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by anonymous

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