Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 23 months ago

#159 new defect

Practical Ways To Burglar Proof Your House

Reported by: Johnson Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Database Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


To be best equipped to prevent a potential burglary, it may be wise to first understand a bit about the different types of burglars out there and how their thinking works, get into their heads; think like a burglar! Be like a burglar! ... Hang on, no, don't get carried away. Think like a burglar- full stop.

Know Your Burglar

  • The Chancer

This type of burglar is by far the most common and is generally where most burglars start out. The Chancer is an opportunist that looks out for an easy target. This type of burglar seems to be very good at living in the moment and generally will decide to steal in the spur of the moment when an opportunity presents itself. They generally go for more low risk items such as a cell phone or anything of value in plain sight.

The Semi Professional burglar proof windows west palm beach The Semi professional is much less common than your average Chancer but possibly a bigger call for concern. The reason being is that your Semi Professional seems to have a good grasp on the fact that the key to success is in planning. They will mostly make their grand entrance when you are away at work or at your weekly meditation group, or away on a relaxing long weekend. They will know about you and your routine after having watched you and observed your daily or weekly routine. Besides this being just plain creepy, they will most likely have enough time to take more items of value than The Chancer.

The Professional burglar proof windows west palm beach This kind of burglar is highly specialized and really pretty rare. They will spend a considerable amount of time planning and forming their strategy for each burglary. They will be in and out quickly, as they will know exactly what they are after. They will focus on highly valuable goods such as money, jewelry or valuable art.

The Imposter This kind of burglar primarily targets older people or women alone at home. These guys will pose as officials such as utility workers or security staff in order to gain access to homes. Once inside, the victim will either be distracted or immobilized while the burglary is committed.

Think Like A Thief

To determine how safe your home is and which areas could use some safety improvements, you will need to think like a thief by surveying your home as a potential burglar would.

Are your exterior doors solid? Are all exterior door frames tight and secure? Do you have good security gates? Is your front entrance clearly visible from the street? Are all exterior entrances well lit? Do you have good secure burglar bars? Is your garage door as well as the utility door secure? Are all gates on your perimeter kept locked at all times? Is your house number clearly displayed so that police or paramedics can easily find you should you have an emergency? If you answered no to any of the above questions, then there is a good possibility that your home security needs to be improved.

Is your gate, front entrance or garage door left unlocked, for any amount of time? Do you keep your car and house keys on the same key ring? Are there any valuables visible through windows to strangers passing by? Are any of your perimeter gates easy to climb over? Do any of your upstairs windows open onto a wall, tree or roof? Are there any areas close to any exterior entrance hidden by big bushes or other concealing structures? Do you leave any windows open at night or when you are away? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your home security may need to be improved.

These guidelines and precautions may help to improve your home security in simple and practical ways, there is naturally much more you can do if you still don't find peace of mind.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 23 months ago by anonymous

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