
Version 37 (modified by Matthias Vogelgesang, 14 years ago) (diff)


Unified Camera Access


libuca is a thin wrapper to make the different cameras (via CameraLink, PCIe, Thunderbolt …) accessible in an easy way. It builds support for cameras, when it can find the necessary dependencies, so there is no need to have camera SDKs installed when you don't own a camera. Right now libuca supports

API documentation

Documentation for unstable versions can be generated with make doc if Doxygen is installed.

Specification of Properties

Properties of cameras are accessed in a vendor-neutral way by specifying the property names as defined in uca.h. The following list is the definite specification of basic properties that all devices must implement. If a property cannot be set or get via uca_(get|set)_property() the function shall return UCA_ERR_PROP_INVALID. The different implementations in camera/uca_$MODEL.* must make sure, that units and types are correctly converted and cast.

Property Name Property String Unit Type Access Meaning
UCA_PROP_NAME name string C-String r Name of camera
UCA_PROP_WIDTH width pixels uint32_t r/w Width of image to be taken
UCA_PROP_WIDTH_MIN width.min pixels uint32_t r Minimum width of image to be taken
UCA_PROP_WIDTH_MAX width.max pixels uint32_t r Maximum possible width
UCA_PROP_HEIGHT height pixels uint32_t r/w Height of image to be taken
UCA_PROP_HEIGHT_MIN height.min pixels uint32_t r Minimum height of image to be taken
UCA_PROP_HEIGHT_MAX height.max pixels uint32_t r Maximum possible height
UCA_PROP_X_OFFSET offset.x pixels uint32_t r/w Horizontal coordinate of start of ROI
UCA_PROP_Y_OFFSET offset.y pixels uint32_t r/w Vertical coordinate of start of ROI
UCA_PROP_BITDEPTH bit-depth bits uint8_t r Bits per pixel
UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE exposure 10-6s uint32_t r/w Duration of image capture
UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE_MIN exposure.min 10-9s uint32_t r Minimum duration of image capture
UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE_MAX exposure.max 10-3s uint32_t r Maximum duration of image capture
UCA_PROP_DELAY delay 10-6s uint32_t r/w Delay before image capture
UCA_PROP_DELAY_MIN delay.min 10-9s uint32_t r Minimum delay before image capture
UCA_PROP_DELAY_MAX delay.min 10-3s uint32_t r Maximum delay before image capture
UCA_PROP_TRIGGER_MODE trigger-mode see below uint8_t r/w Trigger mode for shutter opening
UCA_PROP_FRAMERATE frame-rate frames/s uint32_t r Current number of frames per second

The following table lists special properties that are ignored (and also flagged with an UCA_ERR_PROP_INVALID return value) by cameras that don't support them:

Property Name Property String Unit Type Access Meaning
UCA_PROP_TIMESTAMP_MODE timestamp-mode bitmask (see below) uint8_t r/w Print a timestamp
UCA_PROP_SCAN_MODE scan-mode see below uint8_t r/w Enable certain scan modes
UCA_PROP_INTERLACE_SAMPLE_RATE interlace.sample-rate 1–216 uint32_t r/w Take only every interlace-sample-rate rows into account for the Fast-Reject algorithm
UCA_PROP_INTERLACE_PIXEL_THRESH interlace.threshold.pixel pixels uint32_t r/w Row is classified as triggered, when more than interlace-row-threshold pixels trigger
UCA_PROP_INTERLACE_ROW_THRESH interlace.threshold.row rows uint32_t r/w Ignore row trigger when less than interlace-row-threshold rows trigger
UCA_PROP_CORRECTION_MODE correction-mode bitmask (see below) uint8_t r/w Enable/disable certain correction modes


UCA_PROP_TIMESTAMP_MODE (boolean combinations possible)

Timestamp bit Meaning
UCA_TIMESTAMP_BINARY Binary encoded timestamp
UCA_TIMESTAMP_ASCII Human-readable ASCII timestamp


Scan mode Meaning
UCA_SCANMODE_FAST Higher pixel clock, less bits


Trigger Name Meaning
UCA_TRIGGER_AUTO Free run mode
UCA_TRIGGER_INTERNAL Trigger via CameraLink interface
UCA_TRIGGER_EXTERNAL Trigger via external hardware

UCA_PROP_CORRECTION_MODE (boolean combinations possible)

Correction bit Meaning
UCA_CORRECT_OFFSET Remove static fixed-pattern noise using a black-reference image
UCA_CORRECT_HOTPIXEL Interpolate marked hot pixels as average of surrounding pixels
UCA_CORRECT_GAIN Apply correction to each pixel for linear behaviour


Followingly, we will build libpco (the hardware-dependent pco.edge "driver") and libuca. First of all, get the sources

cd some-empty-dir
bzr clone bzr+ssh://
bzr clone bzr+ssh://

Make sure, that you have installed the Silicon Software Runtime Environment. Then build and install libpco using

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../libpco
make && sudo make install

If everything went okay, you can try the diagnose program in the build directory. It tries to open the camera and frame grabber, prints out some information and stores one frame as out.raw.

Finally, you can build libuca

rm -rf *
cmake ../libuca

Using libuca

The following test program is supplied with libuca and demonstrates the general functionality of the library:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "uca.h"
#include "uca-cam.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct uca_t *uca = uca_init();
    if (uca == NULL)
        return 1;

    /* take first camera */
    struct uca_camera_t *cam = uca->cameras;

    uint32_t val = 5000;
    cam->set_property(cam, UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE, &val);
    val = 0;
    cam->set_property(cam, UCA_PROP_DELAY, &val);

    uint32_t width, height;
    cam->get_property(cam, UCA_PROP_WIDTH, &width);
    cam->get_property(cam, UCA_PROP_HEIGHT, &height);

    uca_cam_alloc(cam, 20);
    uint16_t *buffer = (uint16_t *) malloc(width * height * 2);

    cam->grab(cam, (char *) buffer);

    FILE *fp = fopen("out.raw", "wb");
    fwrite(buffer, width*height, 2, fp);

    return 0;


Version Anticipated Date Release Date Features
0.1.0 rev 34 03/02/11 03/02/11 Stable camera and camera access API
0.2.0 rev 38 03/03/11 03/04/11 Frame acquisition
0.3.0 rev 96 03/04/11 03/22/11 Full integration of pco.edge and Photon Focus
1.0.0 03/30/11 First stable release
1.x.0 mid April Full integration of IPE camera

From version 1.0.0 on, the old Linux way of version numbering is used. That means odd-numbered minor versions are development releases and even-numbered minor versions are stable releases. From version 1.0.0 on, the old Linux way of version numbering is used. That means odd-numbered minor versions are development releases and even-numbered minor versions are stable releases. From version 1.0.0 on, the old Linux way of version numbering is used. That means odd-numbered minor versions are development releases and even-numbered minor versions are stable releases. From version 1.0.0 on, the old Linux way of version numbering is used. That means odd-numbered minor versions are development releases and even-numbered minor versions are stable releases. From version 1.0.0 on, the old Linux way of version numbering is used. That means odd-numbered minor versions are development releases and even-numbered minor versions are stable releases.