= Bazaar = Bazaar is a distributed revision control system, currently developed by Canonical. More information can be found at: * [http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/ Bazaar Official Web Site] * [http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.2/en/ Bazaar Official Documentation] [[BR]] = Accessing Repositories = To get access to the bazaar repositories, please, create a ticket and attach your public SSH key. When access is granted, you can get the source out of the repository using following command: {{{ bzr branch bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/repo/branch }}} For example, to get the latest revision of PyHST from main tree, issue: {{{ bzr branch bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/pyhst/pyhst }}} If you'll prefer the version maintained by Matthias, issue: {{{ bzr branch bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/vogelgesang/pyhst }}} Read-only access (all repositories are only accessible from IPE and ISS networks, all other networks are restricted to selected public repositories): {{{ bzr branch http://ufo.kit.edu/sources/pyhst/pyhst/ }}} == Committing changes == Any changes that you make, are ''locally'' stored with the commit command {{{ bzr commit }}} which asks you for a commit message. Similar to Git, Bazaar handles the very first line of a commit message in a special way. For example `bzr log --line` prints the whole log with revision number, author, date and first line. To keep things nice and tidy, this first line should ''summarize'' the commit in ''50'' characters or less. To increase readability of these lines you may use the `<prefix>: <description>` format, with the following possible prefixes: * Fix (e.g. `Fix: segmentation fault` or `Fix: bug #1234`) * Add (e.g. `Add: web interface`) * Update (e.g. `Update: version`) Because, this line is limited to only 50 characters, you can use several paragraphs divided by newlines to explain not only ''what'' you did, but more importantly ''why'' you changed something. These paragraphs must be wrapped at 72 characters. You should definately make use of Bazaar's builtin bug-tracker support. To enable this for the UFO project add this line to your `bazaar.conf` (located in `~/.bazaar`): {{{ [DEFAULT] trac_ufo_url = http://ufo.kit.edu/ufo }}} Now, for each bug that has an associated ticket, you can mark the fixing commit with {{{ bzr commit --fixes ufo:123 }}} [[BR]] = Public Repositories = ||= Repository =||= Description =|| || framework || The stable version of UFO framework and support libraries. New versions are only accepted after thorough testing/code review. || || cmake || CMake scripts to detect libraries you are maintaining. || || opencl || Various CMake libraries required for UFO filters. || || <user_name> || Development branches of all UFO related code belonging to the ''user_name''. || [[BR]] = Publishing Source = All the source code should first go to the user private repository. The repository is created with following command: {{{ bzr init-repo bzr+ssh://user_name@ufo.kit.edu/user_name/ }}} The created repository will be only writable by its creator, but readable by all members of UFO project. The new repository will not automatically appear in Trac. It should be first added through the Trac configuration page. If you don't have administrative rights, you need to create a ticket. Then, the branches are created as follows (new branches will immediately appear in Trac): {{{ bzr init bzr+ssh://user_name@ufo.kit.edu/user_name/branch1 }}} After branch initialization you can create local repository. Just call 'bzr init' in root of the source folder. Files can be added with `bzr add` command and revision can be commited with `bzr commit -m some_comment`. This will work with local repository on your desktop computer. To submit a revision to the server, for public use, please issue: {{{ bzr push bzr+ssh://user_name@ufo.kit.edu/user_name/branch1 }}} Alternatively, it is possible to instruct bazaar to synchronize with the server after each commit. Just bind the local branch with the server using the following command: {{{ bzr bind bzr+ssh://user_name@ufo.kit.edu/user_name/branch1 }}} [[BR]] = Publishing stable versions = After through testing, the maintainers of UFO subpackages can publish them in UFO main repository. It is accessible with the following bazaar URL: {{{ bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/framework }}} You can create new branches with the following command. These branches will be writable by creator only, but accessible for everybody else. Changes to these branches will immediately appear in the Trac [http://ufo.kit.edu/ufo/browser source browser]. {{{ bzr init bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/framework/branch1 }}} [[BR]] = Possible workflow = There are already very good branching [http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ models] out there. Although it's up to everyone how he will work on his personal branches, I will show how I use Bazaar to ease my life. First of all, I import some of the written code using the steps written above. {{{ cd project-dir bzr init . bzr add * bzr commit bzr init bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/user/project bzr push bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/user/project }}} Then I clean the project directory and clone the committed code as a named branch and bind to the server: {{{ rm -rf * bzr clone bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/user/project upstream cd upstream bzr bind bzr+ssh://user@ufo.kit.edu/user/project }}} I ''never'' work directly in the upstream branch because every commit would be visible immediatly. Therefore, I branch from the `upstream` branch a local branch where development happens: {{{ cd .. bzr clone upstream/ local }}} Whenever I need to work on the same project but tackling different problems, I branch from the `local` branch to a feature specific branch. To push my changes, I just pull (no merging needed) the changes from the `local` branch into the `upstream` branch {{{ cd upstream bzr pull ../local }}}
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