Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracReports

Nov 2, 2013, 10:38:33 PM (11 years ago)



  • TracReports

    v1 v2  
    1616  }}}
    1717  ''This will make the query module the default handler for the “View Tickets” navigation item. We encourage you to try this configuration and report back what kind of features of reports you are missing, if any.''
    2019A report consists of these basic parts:
    7170''Creating a custom report requires a comfortable knowledge of SQL.''
     72'''Note that you need to set up [TracPermissions#Reports permissions] in order to see the buttons for adding or editing reports.'''
    7374A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by
    110 ---
    112112== Advanced Reports: Dynamic Variables ==
     138Dynamic variables can also be used in the report title and description (since 1.1.1).
    139140=== !Special/Constant Variables ===
    150 ----
    156155specialized SQL statements to control the output of the Trac report engine.
    158 == Special Columns ==
     157=== Special Columns ===
    159158To format reports, TracReports looks for 'magic' column names in the query
    160159result. These 'magic' names are processed and affect the layout and style of the
    196  * '''`__style__`''' — A custom CSS style expression to use for the current row.
     195 * '''`__style__`''' — A custom CSS style expression to use on the `<tr>` element of the current row.
     196 * '''`__class__`''' — Zero or more space-separated CSS class names to be set on the `<tr>` element of the current row. These classes are added to the class name derived from `__color__` and the odd / even indicator.
    198198'''Example:''' ''List active tickets, grouped by milestone, group header linked to milestone page, colored by priority''
    217217also possible to create multi-line report entries.
    219  * '''`column_`''' — ''Break row after this''. By appending an underscore ('_') to the column name, the remaining columns will be be continued on a second line.
     219 * '''`column_`''' — ''Break row after this''. By appending an underscore ('_') to the column name, the remaining columns will be continued on a second line.
    221221 * '''`_column_`''' — ''Full row''. By adding an underscore ('_') both at the beginning and the end of a column name, the data will be shown on a separate row.
    249249If you have tickets in the database ''before'' you declare the extra fields in trac.ini, there will be no associated data in the ticket_custom table. To get around this, use SQL's "LEFT OUTER JOIN" clauses. See [trac:TracIniReportCustomFieldSample TracIniReportCustomFieldSample] for some examples.
    251 '''Note that you need to set up permissions in order to see the buttons for adding or editing reports.'''
     251=== A note about SQL rewriting #rewriting
     253Beyond the relatively trivial replacement of dynamic variables, the SQL query is also altered in order to support two features of the reports:
     254 1. [#sort-order changing the sort order]
     255 2. pagination support (limitation of the number of result rows displayed on each page)
     256In order to support the first feature, the sort column is inserted in the `ORDER BY` clause in the first position or in the second position if a `__group__` column is specified (an `ORDER BY` clause is created if needed). In order to support pagination, a `LIMIT ... OFFSET ...` clause is appended.
     257The query might be too complex for the automatic rewrite to work correctly, resulting in an erroneous query. In this case you still have the possibility to control exactly how the rewrite is done by manually inserting the following tokens:
     258 - `@SORT_COLUMN@`, the place where the name of the selected sort column will be inserted,
     259 - `@LIMIT_OFFSET@`, the place where the pagination support clause will be added
     260Note that if you write them after an SQL comment, `--`, you'll effectively disable rewriting if this is what you want!
     262Let's take an example, consider the following SQL query:
     264-- ## 4: Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner ## --
     267-- List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.
     270SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     271   owner AS __group__,
     272   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     273   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     274   reporter AS _reporter
     275  FROM ticket t,enum p
     276  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     277AND AND p.type='priority'
     278  ORDER BY __group__, p.value, severity, time
     281The automatic rewrite will be the following (4 rows per page, page 2, sorted by `component`):
     283SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     284   owner AS __group__,
     285   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     286   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     287   reporter AS _reporter
     288  FROM ticket t,enum p
     289  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     290AND AND p.type='priority'
     291  ORDER BY __group__ ASC, `component` ASC,  __group__, p.value, severity, time
     292 LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4
     295The equivalent SQL query with the rewrite tokens would have been:
     297SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     298   owner AS __group__,
     299   id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, severity, time AS created,
     300   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
     301   reporter AS _reporter
     302  FROM ticket t,enum p
     303  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     304AND AND p.type='priority'
     305  ORDER BY __group__, @SORT_COLUMN@, p.value, severity, time
     309If you want to always sort first by priority and only then by the user selected sort column, simply use the following `ORDER BY` clause:
     311  ORDER BY __group__, p.value, @SORT_COLUMN@, severity, time