
Version 1 (modified by Matthias Balzer, 13 years ago) (diff)



responsible persons in brackets

UFO – Ultra fast X-ray imaging of scientific processes with on-line assessment and data-driven process control

(short summary of BMBF-guidelines, form ‘BMBF-Vordr. 0027/10.08’)

I. Goals

I. 1. Overall goal(s) of the project (Baumbach, Weber)

Statement on the project objective(s) and on its/their future use or application.

I. 2. Relevance of this project for strategic goals (Baumbach, Kopmann, Balzer)

Statement on the pertinence and importance of this project for the German-Russian Cooperation ‘Use and/or development of accelerator driven photon sources’.

I. 3. Scientific/technical objectives of this project (Rolo, Kopmann, Balzer)

Description of the scientific/technical objectives this project is aiming at, e.g. explanation of a phenomenon, improvement of certain material characteristics, prototype development, …
I.3.1. Technological objectives (Rolo, Kopmann, Balzer)

I.3.2. [ Scientific objectives] (van de Kamp)

II. Current scientific and technical status; previous work

II. 1. Current scientific and technical status (Rolo, Chilingayan, Kopmann, Caselle)

Based on state-of-the-art knowledge and including any information relevant to potential patent or license applications.

II. 2. Track record (Rolo, Chilingayan, Kopmann, Caselle)

Previous scientific work and experience of the applicant(s) and of their Russian partners pertaining to this project, if possible with a list of references.

III. Detailed work plan (Balzer)

III. 1. Resource management and planning (Reszat, Rolo, Chiligaryan, Caselle)

Detailed description of all work packages necessary to achieve the project goals and of the distribution of duties and responsibilities among partners; detailed description of the intended use of all resources (existing and applied for): personnel, investment, consumables; justification of the overall resources for the successful completion of the project.

Potential difficulties on the way to project goals (if already known) should also be discussed.

WP1 Jan-Thorsten

WP2 Tomy

WP3 Suren

WP4 Michele

WP5 Thomas v. d. Kamp

III. 2. Milestone planning (Balzer)

Important steps towards the project goal together with their time scale should be identified; if appropriate, possible reasons to modify or stop the project should be mentioned, for example if it becomes clear that some essential milestone cannot be achieved.

IV. Realisation (N.N. ISS, N.N. IPE)

IV. 1. Economic benefits

Prospects for general economic impact of the project results such as knowledge transfer to industry or other parties, use of project results for industrial applications or for production strategies (if applicable).

IV. 2. Scientific and technical prospects

Presentation of possible use of project results for science and technology, also in cooperation with other institutions.

IV. 3. Scientific and economic development/transfer

Perspectives of further use of results following completion of the project; identification of future steps.

  1. Work plan/collaborations
    Any collaboration with other institutions or groups relevant to the success of the project; clearly state the contribution of each partner.

VI. Necessity of the required funding
Please comment on efforts to secure funding for the proposed project from other sources.

VII. Signatures