= UFO Framework Meeting 23rd March 2011 = == Agenda == * Tomas Farago will present dsdescritpor * Status if I/O subsystem and discussion on initial setup of UFO server * Requirements for first version of UFO * Control and Framework GUIs == Minutes == * [raw-attachment:dsdescritpor_and_jail.pdf] * After discussion we have agreed to use following configuration for the storage of first generation of UFO server * 12 HDD disks organized in Raid-6 which is partitioned in fast (first 6GB) and standard (14GB) partitions. Both partitions are formated using XFS file system. The metadata of fast partition is stored on SSD raid. * 4 SSD disks organized in Software Raid-0 to be used as cache for multiple reconstruction of the same volume with different parameters. * For the second generation of UFO server we have agreed to check if by the end of year, the Real-Time files support in the XFS is stable enough. Otherwise to develop our own file system based on Ring Buffer. * The following filters have been agreed for a first generation of Tomographic part of UFO framework * UCA Reader * Image Reader / Writer * Flat Field Correction Filter * Sinogram Generator * FBP Filter * For data storage we have agreed to store the data within UFO system as it is required for optimal performance and offload data to the LSDF using HDRI format. * [http://www.vistrails.org/index.php/Main_Page VisTrails] could be used to provide GUI interface around UFO according to Tomy and Tomas. * [http://www.tango-controls.org/ Tango] based control system would be used to control hardware
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