
Version 4 (modified by Matthias Vogelgesang, 11 years ago) (diff)


Using Ansible

Ansible is a configuration management system that does not require any special installation on the nodes besides Python and SSH. Currently most UFO software can be deployed with it.

Installing Ansible

Ansible has to be installed only on the machine from which the installation should be orchestrated. The simplest way is to setup a virtual env and install Ansible from PyPI:

$ mkvirtualenv ansible
$ (workon ansible)
$ pip install ansible

A machine state is configured through Ansible playbooks and roles. The UFO configuration can be cloned via

$ git clone

In there you find a setup.yml mapping hosts onto roles and giving them tags. Hosts are specified in a hosts file, one example is already present as hosts.sample. To run a playbook you have to specifiy the hosts file, the user (in our case root) and optionally which tag to run:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts -u root -t compute setup.yml

openSUSE Build Service

Fabric script for IEKP physicists

Install Fabric with pip install fabric and run the script with fab deploy. The deploy script installs

  • ROOT 5.34.05
  • VTK 5.10.1

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