= Using Ansible = Ansible is a configuration management system that does not require any special installation on the nodes besides Python and SSH. Currently most UFO software can be deployed with it. == Installing Ansible == Ansible has to be installed only on the machine from which the installation should be orchestrated. The simplest way is to setup a virtual env and install Ansible from PyPI: {{{ $ mkvirtualenv ansible $ (workon ansible) $ pip install ansible }}} A machine state is configured through Ansible playbooks and roles. The UFO configuration can be cloned via {{{ $ git clone http://ufo.kit.edu/git/playbooks }}} In there you find a `setup.yml` mapping hosts onto roles and giving them tags. Hosts are specified in a hosts file, one example is already present as `hosts.sample`. To run a playbook you have to specifiy the hosts file, the user (in our case root) and optionally which tag to run: {{{ $ ansible-playbook -i hosts -u root -t compute setup.yml }}} = openSUSE Build Service = * https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:ufo-kit * User: "ufo-kit", Pass: "ofu123." = Fabric script for IEKP physicists = Install Fabric with `pip install fabric` and run the [attachment:fabfile.py script] with `fab deploy`. The deploy script installs * ROOT 5.34.05 * VTK 5.10.1