Custom Query (187 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#26 Provide CMake parameters to enable/disable cameras Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement trivial libuca
#105 template generation bug Matthias Vogelgesang defect trivial ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#203 Move state attribute to the base class Tomas Farago task trivial concert-0.1 concert
#213 Output ddoc param description in lexicographic order Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement trivial concert-0.1 concert
#240 access to repositories task trivial UFO Camera
#7 Bazaar Account task minor Camera
#16 Add doxygen generation Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor Camera
#22 Merge-Request: pcitool,10 Suren A. Chilingaryan enhancement minor pcilib
#24 Support non-standard properties of MV and IPE cameras Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca
#27 get/set_property type checking Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca
#29 Invalid type of image_number within definition of uca_cam_grab_callback Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor libuca
#43 ezmlm broken Suren A. Chilingaryan defect minor Infrastructure
#46 Setting 'prefix' property on writer plugin appends - (dash) to basename Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-filters
#48 ufo-filter-reader count=-1 does not read any files Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-filters
#57 Add the repository to the Trac Andrey task minor Infrastructure
#58 Add the repository to the Trac Roman task minor Infrastructure
#65 is not mapped to Suren A. Chilingaryan defect minor Infrastructure
#72 Update mkfilter to generate sources, sinks and reduce filters Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core
#73 Fix gir annotations Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-core
#84 LibUCA/UFO grey-out Start/Stop button Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca
#104 Extension of pcilib register API Suren A. Chilingaryan enhancement minor pcilib
#111 Application Specific Requirement Defintion task minor Application
#126 Generate PDF manual and publish it Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca-0.6 libuca
#135 Use GInitable Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca
#144 should generate comments Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#149 Change pco timestamp mode from flag type to enum type Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca-1.1 libuca
#160 gen-doc should output possible property values Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca-1.2 libuca
#166 Build of ufo-filters fails if both GTK_DOC and OpenCV are enabled Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-filters-0.3 ufo-filters
#167 only looks for TIFF files Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-scripts
#174 Munin is not accessible Suren A. Chilingaryan defect minor Infrastructure
#179 save_to_json is not working correctly for expanded graphs Matthias Vogelgesang defect minor ufo-core
#181 Fix annotations and documentation Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core-0.3 ufo-core
#182 Fix documentation Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-filters-0.3 ufo-filters
#183 Use correct device define for each GPU Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core-0.4 ufo-core
#185 Optionally write a single TIFF image Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-filters-0.3 ufo-filters
#186 Make task modes REDUCE and GENERATE bit flags Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core
#187 Versioning of the JSON data format Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor ufo-core-0.4 ufo-core
#196 Rename control to uca-control Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor libuca-1.2 libuca
#197 Show device values for __repr__ Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor concert-0.1 concert
#212 Rename repository name from control to concert Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement minor concert-0.1 concert
#237 Unify scripts, put them in a repo and make them installable enhancement minor UFO Camera
#241 PCITOOL: possible segmentation fault within ReadRegister(cli.c) defect minor pcilib
#8 Add my public key to access bzr repository defect major Camera
#15 UCA Feature request Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major Camera
#17 Access to bzr repository Suren A. Chilingaryan task major Infrastructure
#18 Add my public key to access bzr repository Suren A. Chilingaryan task major Camera
#20 Public Key to be installed For Vladimir Suren A. Chilingaryan task major Infrastructure
#21 Public Key to be installed For Elena Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major Infrastructure
#32 pcilib should handle endianess Suren A. Chilingaryan enhancement major pcilib
#33 Repository access Suren A. Chilingaryan task major Infrastructure
#40 Request access. Public SSH key Andrey task major Infrastructure
#41 Request access. Public SSH key Roman task major Infrastructure
#42 No nightly build of documentation Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major Infrastructure
#51 libuca build fails on ipepdvcompute1 Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major pcilib
#55 test-channel blocks Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-core
#61 fft filter build failure Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-filters
#62 fft filter build failure Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-filters
#64 Jenkins always uses 300-400% of CPU Matthias Vogelgesang defect major Infrastructure
#66 Multiple recording sessions are not working Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major pcilib
#68 pcilib_set_error_handler should take an additional user pointer Suren A. Chilingaryan enhancement major pcilib
#76 Integrate 12 bit mode Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major ufodecode
#78 may run out of memory Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major Infrastructure
#79 Move git repositories under /srv Matthias Vogelgesang defect major Infrastructure
#82 Too many bits in "sensor_temperature" Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major pcilib
#87 Free string keys in UfoGraph's json_filters hash table Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major ufo-core
#93 Build RPMs and test them Matthias Vogelgesang task major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#95 Integrate Thomas' images Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major website-release Website
#96 runjson fails with g_thread_init error Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#97 pcilib is not linked to ufodecode Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major pcilib
#98 Connecting parallel filters is broken Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#100 Let all GPU-based filters use the profile call mechanism Matthias Vogelgesang task major ufo-filters-0.2 ufo-filters
#101 Remove event lists Matthias Vogelgesang task major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#102 Stop execution when filters cannot be instantiated Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#106 Re-implement "prop-sets" in JSON files Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#107 OSS GPUBox overheating Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major Infrastructure
#109 Add Jenkins project for lamino-filters Matthias Vogelgesang task major Jenkins
#110 Do not import matplotlib if not available in clprof Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#112 Mechanic Design Review Tomy Rolo task major Mechanic Setup
#113 Comparison of Cameras EMV1288 Uros Stevanovic task major UFO Camera
#114 Beam Time Proposal Uros Stevanovic task major UFO Camera
#118 Ticket Test Matthias Balzer defect major General
#119 Automated Alignment of Axis of Rotation David Haas task major System Control Loop
#120 Auto Focus at Topo Tomo Tomy Rolo task major System Control Loop
#121 Beam Height Control Tomy Rolo task major System Control Loop
#122 Object Tracking Tomas Farago task major System Control Loop
#123 Information of scintillators Tomas Farago task major Detector System
#124 ufo-filter documentation is not build and moved to Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-filters-0.2 Infrastructure
#125 HS Camera Link Uros Stevanovic task major UFO Camera
#128 argparse/optparse compatibility in clprof Matthias Vogelgesang defect major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#130 Check explicitly for C++ compilers and disable cameras accordingly Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major libuca-1.1 libuca
#131 Guard camera modules that are compiled with C++ compilers Matthias Vogelgesang defect major libuca-0.6 libuca
#132 Update documentation links Matthias Vogelgesang defect major Website
#133 Implement plugin architecture Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major libuca-1.1 libuca
#134 Optical PCIe Connection between UFO Server and UFO Camera Uros Stevanovic task major UFO Camera
#136 Implement filter that processes and outputs in-process data Matthias Vogelgesang task major ufo-core-0.2 ufo-core
#137 Generate camera-specific documentation Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major libuca-1.1 libuca
#138 Jenkins discovers corrupt Git repositories Matthias Vogelgesang defect major Jenkins
#139 Make UcaCamera methods thread-safe Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major libuca-1.1 libuca
#141 Slow performance on ufosrv1 Suren A. Chilingaryan defect major ufo-core-0.2 Infrastructure
#143 More generalized localisation of SiSo's FgLib and ClSerMe libraries Matthias Vogelgesang enhancement major libuca-1.1 libuca
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