Opened 3 years ago

#935 new defect

What Is the Difference Between the Two Models Of Kiierr’s Laser Cap?

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Component: Database Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


What Is Kiierr? Kiierr is a company based in Spain that designs, manufactures and sells laser caps and other LLLT products. They have been in business for over 10 years and currently have a catalog of over one

Where Can You Buy Kiierr’s Products? The only place you can purchase Kiierr’s products is directly from their website.

Their customer service is extremely helpful, and they will gladly answer all your questions and help you with any order you might have. You can e-mail them at info@…. Their website is in English, so you do not have to worry about ordering in Spanish.

What Is the Difference Between the Two Models Of Kiierr’s Laser Cap? There is no difference whatsoever between the 148 diode model and the 272 diode model. Each one has a 10 year warranty, and the caps are FDA cleared for hair regrowth.

The batteries last approximately three months when used approximately two hours per day.

The Kiierr website accepts all major credit cards, and you can use a PayPal? account to pay for your order. They do not allow orders to be paid for with a PayPal? account from the US. If you try to put in a US PayPal? account, it will say the transaction has been declined. To use a PayPal? account from another country, you need to have a “PayPal? Checkout” with a billing address in a different country than the PayPal? account owner. Kiierr ships globally, and their website shows all the countries to which they ship. They have a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

As a matter of interest, the is toll-free, but you must have access to an international telephone network (not necessarily a cellular phone).

Hundred different laser products including their most well-known product the Kiierr Laser Hair Growth Cap. Read <a href="">Kiierr Laser Cap Reviews</a>.

One-year manufacturer’s warranties. What Is LLLT? Laser Therapy, or LLLT as it is sometimes known, is a non-invasive treatment that uses a low level laser to accelerate wound healing, increase bone density, and promote tissue growth. It was discovered by NASA in 1986 and has since been used on millions of patients worldwide. What Is The Main Ingredient In LLLT? The main ingredient in LLLT is called “light therapy” which is basically the same thing as natural sunlight. Even though LLLT uses a very small amount of energy, it has been proven to be extremely effective. It is typically used in conjunction with other treatments such as bio-identical hormone therapy, platelet-rich plasma injections, massage, exercise and proper nutrition. Is There Any Scientific Evidence To Back Up These Claims? Yes, there is scientific evidence to back up these claims.

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