Opened 3 years ago

#538 new enhancement

Medical Marijuana Clinics - A Constant Increase in Popularity

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Since the first medical marijuana legislation in 2002, a new type of clinic has appeared on the scene, offering services to the chronically and terminally ill patients in the area. Medical marijuana clinics are authorized to prescribe legal amounts of cannabis sativa to patients based on diagnoses, observations, and even through the advice of a family physician, with substantiating records provided to confirm the reason for a prescription. Patient identification, the diagnoses or conditions that support the use of marijuana as well as the amount and strength prescribed are kept on record to show strict adherence to the legislation in place.

What is full spectrum cbd - It is important for clinics to stay abreast of any changes in the laws to be sure they are aware of any new additions or deletions in the legislation in order to maintain compliance. Still today, changes are being made in order to close any loopholes that present a temptation for abuse of the laws in using the cover of medical marijuana clinics in self-medication or making huge profits in illegal sales of the drug. However, medical marijuana clinics as well as the people who work in them are kept under close watch to be sure no abuse occurs that will jeopardize or backslide the progress made in the legislation.

As mentioned, not only are patients identified as having a prescription for medical marijuana, but the strength of the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) that it contains is tested and noted through the dispensaries to be sure there is no abuse by the patients themselves.

What is full spectrum cbd -Medical marijuana clinics closely monitor their patients

For any adverse effects of the drug as well, providing safe use in the treatment of their medical conditions. As with any physician's office, vital signs are measured and blood levels of THC are obtained to be sure the patient is staying within the boundaries of the prescription provided.

All the analogy describes is a typical sequence in which events occur, not a causation. Just as riding a bicycle does not lead to motorcycle usage, medical marijuana usage does not lead to cocaine - it's simply a typical sequence based on a high prevalence activity (smoking marijuana) versus a low prevalence activity (heroin, cocaine, or lsd use).

There have also been some studies in animals looking at an association between THC and the increase of dopamine availability. Researchers have said marijuana is "priming" the brain for heroin and cocaine use. However, no studies have ever shown that "priming" animals with THC injections increases their desire to self-administer cocaine or heroin. The theory has no basis in reality.

Studies from the National Institute on Drug Abuse have shown that of the 72 million Americans who have used marijuana (probably more like 100 million since the studies were done), only 17% used cocaine more than one hundred times. This means that for every 100 marijuana users, only one currently uses cocaine.

Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug in the US today. People who have used less popular illicit drugs, like heroin, cocaine, or LSD, are likely to have also utilized marijuana. The vast majority of marijuana users never use any other illegal drug and marijuana is typically an end drug, not a gateway drug.

Patients are also given teaching by the marijuana clinics in the proper use of the drug, with the suggestion of using a recognized dispensary and not purchasing the street version of marijuana, since it can contain other illicit drugs or chemicals that are detrimental to the patients' physical and mental health. Since marijuana is a controlled substance, patients must carry their prescription identification card with them at all times in order to advise law enforcement officials as well as emergency medical personnel of their use of medical marijuana or THC pills in their medical treatment in order to prevent misunderstandings or errors in emergency medical treatment.

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